S3BucketList - Firefox Plugin The Lists Amazon S3 Buckets Found In Requests

S3BucketList is a Firefox plugin that records S3 Buckets found in requests. It is currently a work in progress and additional features will be added in the future.

This plugin will also be ported to other browsers in the future. Stay tuned!

This plugin is already available in Firefox Browser Add-ons.

Built with
  • HTML - Markup Language
  • Javascript - Programming Language

  • Alec Blance

  • Almira Ruby Montalvo - Design


Via: feedproxy.google.com
S3BucketList - Firefox Plugin The Lists Amazon S3 Buckets Found In Requests S3BucketList - Firefox Plugin The Lists Amazon S3 Buckets Found In Requests Reviewed by Anónimo on 9:04 Rating: 5