Proton Framework - A Windows Post Exploitation Framework Similar To Other Penetration Testing Tools Such As Meterpreter And Powershell Invader Framework
Proton Framework is a Windows post exploitation framework similar to other penetration
testing tools such as Meterpreter and Powershell Invader Framework. The major difference is that
the Proton Framework does most of its operations using Windows Script Host (a.k.a. JScript/VBScript),
with compatibility in the core to support a default installation of Windows 2000 with no service
packs (and potentially even versions of NT4) all the way through Windows 10.
Getting started
Proton installation
cd proton
chmod +x
Proton uninstallation
cd proton
chmod +x
Proton Framework execution
To execute Proton Framework you
should execute the following command.
Proton Framework modules
There are to kinds of Proton Framework modules -
stagers and implants. Proton stagers hook target
zombies and allow you to use implants. Proton
implants starts jobs on remote target zombie.
Proton Framework stagers
Proton Framework stagers hook target
zombie and allow you to use implants.
Name | Description |
mshta | Serves payloads using mshta.exe. |
regsvr | Serves payloads using regsvr32.exe. |
rundll | Serves payloads using rundll32.exe. |
disk | Serves payloads using files on disk. |
bits | Serves payloads using BitsAdmin. |
wmic | Serves payloads using WMIC XSL. |
Proton Framework implants
Proton Framework implants starts
jobs on a remote zombie target.
Name | Description |
bypassuac_compdefaults | Bypass UAC via registry hijack for ComputerDefaults.exe. |
bypassuac_compmgmtlauncher | Bypass UAC via registry hijack for CompMgmtLauncher.exe. |
bypassuac_eventvwr | Uses eventvwr.exe exploit to bypass UAC on Windows 7, 8, and 10. |
bypassuac_fodhelper | Bypass UAC via registry hijack for fodhelper.exe. |
bypassuac_sdclt | Uses sdclt.exe exploit to bypass UAC on Windows 10. |
bypassuac_slui | Bypass UAC via registry hijack for slui.exe. |
system_createservice | Elevate from administrative session to SYSTEM via SC.exe. |
youtube | Maxes volume and opens the specified YouTube video in a hidden window. |
voice | Plays a message over text-to-speech. |
clipboard | Retrieves the current content of the user clipboard. |
comsvcs_lsass | Utilizes comsvcs.dll to create a MiniDump of LSASS, parses with pypykatz. |
enum_domain_info | Retrieve information about the Windows domain. |
hashdump_dc | Domain controller hashes from the NTDS.dit file. |
hashdump_sam | Retrieves hashed passwords from the SAM hive. |
loot_finder | Finds loot on the target machine. |
user_hunter | Locate users logged on to domain computers (using Dynamic Wrapper X). |
mimikatz_dotnet | Injects a reflective-loaded DLL to run powerkatz.dll. |
mimikatz_dynwrapx | Injects a reflective-loaded DLL to run powerkatz.dll (using Dynamic Wrapper X). |
mimikatz_tashlib | Executes arbitrary shellcode using the TashLib COM object. |
shellcode_dotnet | Executes arbitrary shellcode using the DotNet2JS technique. Inject shellcode into a host process via createremotethread as a new thread. |
shellcode_dynwrapx | Executes arbitrary shellcode using the Dynamic Wrapper X COM object. |
shellcode_excel | Runs arbitrary shellcode payload (if Excel is installed). |
enable_rdesktop | Enables remote desktop on the target. |
exec_cmd | Run an arbitrary command on the target, and optionally receive the output. |
add_user | Adds a either a local or domain user. |
registry | Adds a Proton stager payload in the registry. |
schtasks | Establishes persistence via a scheduled task. |
wmi | Creates persistence using a WMI subscription. |
password_box | Prompt a user to enter their password. |
exec_psexec | Run a command on another machine using psexec from sysinternals. |
exec_wmi | Executes a command on another system. |
stage_wmi | Hook a zombie on another machine using WMI. |
tcp | Uses HTTP to scan open TCP ports on the target zombie LAN. |
download_file | Downloads a file from the target zombie. |
multi_module | Run a number of implants in succession. |
upload_file | Uploads a file from the listening server to the target zombies. |
TLS communications
INFO: To enable TLS communications, you will need
to host your Proton stager on a valid domain
(i.e. with a known Root CA signed
certificate. Windows will check its certificate
store and will NOT allow a self-signed certificate.
Proton Framework disclaimer
Usage of the Proton Framework for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal.
It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws.
Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
Proton Framework - A Windows Post Exploitation Framework Similar To Other Penetration Testing Tools Such As Meterpreter And Powershell Invader Framework
Reviewed by Anónimo