Crypto Identifier - Tool To Uncipher Data Using Multiple Algorithms And Block Chaining Modes
Crypto tool for pentest and ctf : try to uncipher data using multiple algorithms and block chaining modes. Usefull for a quick check on unknown cipher text and key dictionary.
Supported Algorithms :
- ARC2
- ARC4
- Blowfish
- DES3
python ./ --help
usage: [-h] --input INPUT [--key KEY] [--keys KEYS]
[--printable] [--grep GREP]
[--algo {ARC4,CAST,AES,XOR,ARC2,DES,Blowfish,DES3}]
[--mode {ECB,CBC,CFB,OFB}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT, -i INPUT
input string (base64)
--key KEY, -k KEY key string
--keys KEYS, -ks KEYS
keys file
--printable, -p display only printable results
--grep GREP, -g GREP grep string in results
--algo {ARC4,CAST,AES,XOR,ARC2,DES,Blowfish,DES3}, -a {ARC4,CAST,AES,XOR,ARC2,DES,Blowfish,DES3}
cipher algo to use
block chaining mode to use
Examples :
Multi ciphers + modes
python ./ --input "WpbizgqtUDjD5TV5ELVswFL92ao3T41T" --key secret
CAST128Cipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): '\x95\x12(\x8d0_O8\xc7\xb6\x1f\x9b\xc1\xbd5\xe0'
CAST128Cipher (CBC) : secret (with IV): '\xcf\x84\xcaC:\xf2\x1f\x00\x04S*\xe2\xd1\x08Y '
CAST128Cipher (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\x0f\nF\x83\xd6\xbe\x942\xc4\xcco\x11p\xa7\x81\xd5'
CAST128Cipher (OFB) : secret (with IV): '\x0f\xfb\xd1\x01\xd2L\xed\x18\xc1\x1c5^\xfdv\xab\xfb'
AESCipher (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\x14\xa9%\xfdN\xa3F\xbf\x9b7,[email protected]"\xf6\xb14V\xfb{F\xc2\xcf?'
ARC2 (ECB) : secret (with IV): '\xab4\x8ac\x93 \xe6\xca\x19\xe7\x15M\x7f\xa7\xe8'
ARC2 (CBC) : secret (with IV): '\xf1\xa2h\xad\x99\x8dp\xde\t\xfc\xd2l]\xca\xcb('
ARC2 (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\xb8\x06r\xaa\x0fX\x8c\x92)\x00\xc0\xed\x0e\xa8\x0e\xa7'
ARC2 (OFB) : secret (with IV): '\xb87}9{\xc8f\xa3\x99\xe4\xda?,\x01`\x11'
DESCipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): 'a DES test case'
DESCipher (CBC) : secret (with IV): ';\xb6\xa6\x8bY\x8d$]\xb0\x91\x15\x1aq\xc6\t\xc0'
DESCipher (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\xc0\x06\xe6\x7fl\xae\x8bv\xee\xcf\x8c[\x88\x07!\x07'
DESCipher (OFB) : secret (with IV): '\xc0\x86ug\x1f\x16\xd4)\xff0\xc3\x07-\x10&\x80'
BlowfishCipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): '\x1eBkl\xbe\x14\x81\x8c9*\xaa\xee\xebW-3'
BlowfishCipher (CBC) : secret (with IV): 'D\xd4\x89\xa2\xb4\xb9\xd1\xb4\xfa\xcf\x9f\x97\xfb\xe2A\xf3'
BlowfishCipher (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\x83\xf59\xea`-\xfdd8KN\xb0\xcfYo\xef'
BlowfishCipher (OFB) : secret (with IV): '\x83\xd1V\x01\xdf\xad^\tkP5\x94\xeer\xa0\x9f'
DES3Cipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): "<\x00ml\xa0\xc1\x84\\\xcf\x1e,o'\xbd\xa1\xa8"
DES3Cipher (CBC) : secret (with IV): 'f\x96\x8f\xa2\xaal\xd4d\x0c\xfb\x19\x167\x08\xcdh'
DES3Cipher (CFB) : secret (with IV): '\x8e\xe2\x04\x9a\xaa\x08\xedJ\xfd%(\xa2F\x92\x06\xa9'
DES3Cipher (OFB) : secret (with IV): '\x8eS+\x18\xce[\xc5\x0f\x13\xc7k8\xde\xbc\xdaF'
ARC4Cipher : secret : '\xb7\xa00\xd2\x88\t\x86\x9e\xf1.\x8e\xa5\xe3S\x99\xf7\xff\xca\xabH\xb4\xbcI\x0f'
CAST128Cipher (ECB) : secret : '\xc7\xcby\r\xd4\xe6\xcf\xa7\x95\x12(\x8d0_O8\xc7\xb6\x1f\x9b\xc1\xbd5\xe0'
CAST128Cipher (CBC) : secret : '\xc7\xcby\r\xd4\xe6\xcf\xa7\xcf\x84\xcaC:\xf2\x1f\x00\x04S*\xe2\xd1\x08Y '
CAST128Cipher (CFB) : secret : '\xc6\xa4<\xf0>\xe3\x1dg\x0f\nF\x83\xd6\xbe\x942\xc4\xcco\x11p\xa7\x81\xd5'
CAST128Cipher (OFB) : secret : '\xc6\x8a"?\xd5#=\x9931;a\xdaB\xd0v\xcbQ>6+L\xc1\x9d'
AESCipher (CFB) : secret : '\x14\xa9%\xfdN\xa3F\xbf\x9b7,[email protected]"\xf6\xb14V\xfb{F\xc2\xcf?'
XORCipher : secret : ")\xf3\x81\xbco\xd9#]\xa0\x97P\rc\xd0\x0f\xb27\x89\xaa\xcfT=\xe8'"
ARC2 (ECB) : secret : '\x97 \xb6\x9b\xb5Z\x8a\xdc\xab4\x8ac\x93 \xe6\xca\x19\xe7\x15M\x7f\xa7\xe8'
ARC2 (CBC) : secret : '\x97 \xb6\x9b\xb5Z\x8a\xdc\xf1\xa2h\xad\x99\x8dp\xde\t\xfc\xd2l]\xca\xcb('
ARC2 (CFB) : secret : 'U\xef\x12x\x0b\x88\x87*\xb8\x06r\xaa\x0fX\x8c\x92)\x00\xc0\xed\x0e\xa8\x0e\xa7'
ARC2 (OFB) : secret : 'U\r\x86r\xfc|2\xbf\xfb\xb0\xa2\xaf\xba\xe0\xad\x8f6\x9aY\xd9\x926\x8c{'
DESCipher (ECB) : secret : 'This is a DES test case'
DESCipher (CBC) : secret : 'This is ;\xb6\xa6\x8bY\x8d$]\xb0\x91\x15\x1aq\xc6\t\xc0'
DESCipher (CFB) : secret : '>>\xd2\xfd\xe4\xf0!y\xc0\x06\xe6\x7fl\xae\x8bv\xee\xcf\x8c[\x88\x07!\x07'
DESCipher (OFB) : secret : '>\x1942H\x03\x04\xd6\x9a\xbd2v\x9b\x16\x19\r\xb0\xe5&\x1e(\xce\x0f\x12'
BlowfishCipher (ECB) : secret : '\xac\xb6\xcbz\xe8\xd76\x91\x1eBkl\xbe\x14\x81\x8c9*\xaa\xee\xebW-3'
BlowfishCipher (CBC) : secret : '\xac\xb6\xcbz\xe8\xd76\x91D\xd4\x89\xa2\xb4\xb9\xd1\xb4\xfa\xcf\x9f\x97\xfb\xe2A\xf3'
BlowfishCipher (CFB) : secret : '#X\xe0\rS\xf0y\xfe\x83\xf59\xea`-\xfdd8KN\xb0\xcfYo\xef'
BlowfishCipher (OFB) : secret : '#?\xa1\x06T\x7f\x98\x19\x0b\x000\xf3\x1a\xa9\x08.\x94\x8f\xd1a\x9c\x16\xe6\xb1'
DES3Cipher (ECB) : secret : "\x90\xc9\xa5\xd0\x18)'\x94<\x00ml\xa0\xc1\x84\\\xcf\x1e,o'\xbd\xa1\xa8"
DES3Cipher (CBC) : secret : "\x90\xc9\xa5\xd0\x18)'\x94f\x96\x8f\xa2\xaal\xd4d\x0c\xfb\x19\x167\x08\xcdh"
DES3Cipher (CFB) : secret : 'zp-\x9d\xb5\xe8R\x1a\x8e\xe2\x04\x9a\xaa\x08\xedJ\xfd%(\xa2F\x92\x06\xa9'
DES3Cipher (OFB) : secret : 'z\xe1DY\x07\x17#Y6n\xbf\xd8\x15%\xbc\x0f<M\x9c\xa60I\x9a\xbe'
Multi ciphers + modes, print only printable results
python ./ --input "WpbizgqtUDjD5TV5ELVswFL92ao3T41T" --key secret --printable
DESCipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): a DES test case
DESCipher (ECB) : secret : This is a DES test case
Single cipher / single mode
python ./ --input "WpbizgqtUDjD5TV5ELVswFL92ao3T41T" --key secret --algo DES --mode ECB
DESCipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): 'a DES test case'
DESCipher (ECB) : secret : 'This is a DES test case'
using a dictionary as keys
python ./ --input "WpbizgqtUDjD5TV5ELVswFL92ao3T41T" --keys ./500-worst-passwords.txt --printable
DESCipher (ECB) : secret (with IV): a DES test case
DESCipher (ECB) : secret : This is a DES test case
Python 2.7 / 3.x
- Argparse
- Crypto
Crypto Identifier - Tool To Uncipher Data Using Multiple Algorithms And Block Chaining Modes
Reviewed by Anónimo