Sandmap - A Tool Supporting Network And System Reconnaissance Using The Massive Nmap Engine

Sandmap is a tool supporting network and system reconnaissance using the massive Nmap engine. It provides a user-friendly interface, automates and speeds up scanning and allows you to easily use many advanced scanning techniques.

Key Features
  • simple CLI with the ability to run pure Nmap engine
  • predefined scans included in the modules
  • support Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)
  • TOR support (with proxychains)
  • multiple scans at one time
  • at this point: 30 modules with 451 scan profiles

How To Use
It's simple:
# Clone this repository
git clone

# Go into the repository
cd sandmap

# Install
./ install

# Run the app
  • symlink to bin/sandmap is placed in /usr/local/bin
  • man page is placed in /usr/local/man/man8

Available modules: 30
Available scan profiles: 451

Configuration file
The etc/main.cfg configuration file has the following structure:
# shellcheck shell=bash

# Specifies the default destination.
# Examples:
# - dest=","

# Specifies the extended Nmap parameters.
# Examples:
# - params="--script ssl-ccs-injection -p 443"

# Specifies the default output type and path.
# Examples:
# - report="xml"

# Specifies the TOR connection.
# Examples:
# - tor="true"

# Specifies the terminal type.
# Examples:
# - terminal="internal"

Sandmap uses external utilities to be installed before running:

After running the script, the log/ directory is created and in it the following files with logs:
  • <script_name>.<date>.log - all _logger() function calls are saved in it
  • stdout.log - a standard output and errors from the _init_cmd() function are written in it. If you want to redirect the output from command, use the following structure: your_command >>"$_log_stdout" 2>&1 &

Project architecture
|--                 # GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007
|-- # this simple documentation
|-- # principles of project support
|-- .gitignore # ignore untracked files
|-- .travis.yml # continuous integration with Travis CI
|-- # install sandmap on the system
|-- bin
|-- sandmap # main script (init)
|-- doc # includes documentation, images and manuals
|-- man8
|-- sandmap.8 # man page for sandmap
|-- img # images (eg. gif)
|-- etc # contains configuration files
|-- lib # libraries, external functions
|-- log # contains logs, created after init
|-- modules # contains modules
|-- src # includes external project files
|-- helpers # contains core functions
|-- import # appends the contents of the lib directory
|-- __init__ # contains the __main__ function
|-- settings # contains sandmap settings
|-- templates # contains examples and template files
|-- tmp # contains temporary files (mktemp)

Sandmap - A Tool Supporting Network And System Reconnaissance Using The Massive Nmap Engine Sandmap - A Tool Supporting Network And System Reconnaissance Using The Massive Nmap Engine Reviewed by Anónimo on 10:07 Rating: 5