libenom - Make Fast and Easy Payloads with MSFvenom

Libenom is a tool created for make more easy and fast the creation of payloads with MSFvenom and get all the data generated ordered.


  • A linux distribution for pentesting or Ubuntu, Debian, Mint
  • Recommended Kali Linux 2.0 sana or 2016.1 rolling, Parrot OS, Blackarch, Dracos ,Lionsec.

  • Getting Started

    git clone
    cd libenom
    chmod +x

    How it works:

    Execute "./" to show all the options. For example you can first create a profile named "profile1" with "-c" option and assign it to the msfvenom parameters

    After that you can execute it "./ -x profile1", delete it "-d" or read "-r"
    Also you have some pre created msfconsole listeners for a "reverse_tcp" conexion

    Read more here.

    libenom - Make Fast and Easy Payloads with MSFvenom libenom - Make Fast and Easy Payloads with MSFvenom Reviewed by Zion3R on 2:44 Rating: 5