SFTPfuzzer - Simple FTP Fuzzer

SFTPfuzzer (Simple FTP Fuzzer) is a very simple software written in Python 2.7 (by 0x8b30cc), that allows you to easily fuzz username and password field in an FTP Server, looking for a buffer overflow vulnerability.

SFTPfuzzer is written in a very simple way, and the code is well commented, allowing you to easily understand what is going on and easily edit the software. The code is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL v3), if you want to know more read here.

You can use SFTPfuzzer.py in two ways, manual mode and arguments mode.

If you want to manually add target ip address (RHOST) and target port (RPORT), you just need to run:
$ python SFTPfuzzer.py
If you want to add command line arguments, then the usage will be like this:
$ python SFTPfuzzer.py -t <rhost> -p <rport>
For example:
$ python SFTPfuzzer.py -t -p 21

Via: www.kitploit.com
SFTPfuzzer - Simple FTP Fuzzer SFTPfuzzer - Simple FTP Fuzzer Reviewed by Zion3R on 20:12 Rating: 5