Fuxi Scanner - Network Security Vulnerability Scanner
Fuxi Scanner is an open source network security vulnerability scanner, it comes with multiple functions.
- Vulnerability detection & management
- Authentication Tester
- IT asset discovery & management
- Port scanner
- Subdomain scanner
- Acunetix Scanner (Integrate Acunetix API)
Vulnerability Scanner
The scanner module integrate an open-sourced remote vulnerability testing and PoC development framework - Pocsuite
Like Metasploit, it is a development kit for pentesters to develope their own exploits. Based on Pocsuite, you can write the most core code of PoC/Exp without caring about the resulting output etc. There are at least several hundred people writing PoC/Exp based on Pocsuite up to date.
You can acquiring PoC scripts from Seebug community
The target can be IP, network segment or URL.
You can manage plugins in the Plugin Manager modules. The plugin must conform to the PoC Coding Style
Asset Management
IT Asset Registration:
Automatic Service Discovery:
You can scan the vulnerability by searching and filtering out specific services
Authentication Tester
This's a login cracker that supports many protocols to attack (HTTP Basic Auth, SSH, MySQL, Redis).
The target can be IP, network segment or URL.
Subdomain Scanner
It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting
You can improved wordlist in settings for finding more subdomains
Acunetix Scanner
This module delivers scanning tasks by integrate Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner API
You can scan multiple websites at the same time
Port Scanner
Port scanner allows you to discover which TCP ports are open on your target host.
Port scanning is usually done in the initial phase of a penetration test in order to discover all network entry points into the target system
- Homepage: https://fuxi-scanner.com
- Download: .tar or .zip
- Author E-mail: [email protected]
- Author telegram: jeffzhang
Via: feedproxy.google.com
Fuxi Scanner - Network Security Vulnerability Scanner
Reviewed by Anónimo